What is the deadline to apply?
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis so you may apply at any time.
When will I be notified if I am selected as a host?
After applying to become a host, you will be contacted by a member of the project team within two weeks. If you are selected to participate in the next round of the process, you will be asked to schedule a 20-minute interview with the selection committee. The interview allows the committee to learn more about your ability to host a successful event. Within two weeks of the interview, you will be contacted by a project team member with a determination.
Host Application and Rolling Admission Timeline
Host applicants are interviewed and selected on a rolling basis. Once accepted, hosts are trained, and most events are completed within 9 months.
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the project events and timeline?
The project team carefully monitors CDC and NIH recommendations for hosting group events and activities. We do not plan to host virtual events. Delivery of study tools is most effective in person, and online platforms can limit natural social interactions. Federal health guidelines must be followed at all Project Talk events.
What training will hosts receive prior to hosting an event?
All hosts will receive four hours of required training, delivered by experts in the field. We will cover the following topics through a combination of online modules and webinars:
- 1) Study overview and research ethics
- 2) Hosting the event
- 3) Arranging/marketing the event
- 4) Recognizing/responding to psychological distress
Although hosts will not conduct research procedures, they will receive training on research ethics, privacy, confidentiality, and cultural sensitivity to ensure no breaches in research ethics occur. The research team will provide one-on-one support to hosts as needed.
Who needs to be trained?
Selected organizations will identify at least one host who will be trained for the event (additional staff who will attend the event are also able to receive training). At least one trained host must be present for the event.
Who will collect the research data?
A trained Project Talk research team member(s) will attend the event and be responsible for all aspects of the research procedures (such as informed consent, data collection, etc.). While the host will guide the event from beginning to end, the Project Talk Team member(s) will be able to support and assist the host throughout the entire event.
What is the timeline for hosting an event?
We ask that selected hosts arrange their event within 7 – 8 months of acceptance.
Can I host an event in Spanish?
Yes, provided there is at least one bilingual host/planning team member who will lead the event.
- A Spanish-speaking project assistant will attend the event, with an English-speaking research assistant, to introduce the project, conduct research procedures, and interface with host and participants.
- The bilingual host/planning team member must be present for the entire event.
All attendee materials are available in Spanish.
What expenses will the stipend cover?
The $300 host stipend can be used by host organizations to support staff time, food, and marketing for their events.
I have hosted a Conversation Project event or Hello game event in the past. Can I still participate?
Hosts who have previously conducted a Conversation Project or Hello game event are not eligible to participate in this research project unless they can provide team members, venue location, and attendees unique from any previous Conversation Project or Hello game events.